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How to design the mascot to represent a brand 

 June 27, 2022

In addition to having an identity, many well-known businesses have brand-name characters, also known as Mascots. Mascots are the symbol of the team, organization or company that is able to draw attention to the company not via a logo rather through a photo and an image. This is why the Turbologo company provides you with the materials that will assist you in getting acquainted with the concept of branding and also show how to design it.

What is a mascot to represent your the business?

A British company conducted a research study to investigate whether the usage of cartoon characters influences the promotion of a brand. The researchers looked at the data of British advertising agencies in 2017-2018. The results showed that ads with mascots generated companies 30 % more revenues. They also boost brand awareness on the market – advertisements featuring characters are 37 percent more likely to boost the share of a company’s.

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Like in sports, when it comes to email marketing one of the major roles of a brand’s personality is to interact with the people who are reading it. It helps bring a brand to life in the eyes their customers by making it more real and attractive. The character helps to increase brand recognition. He helps make the idea and the concept behind the brand more accessible to consumers.

Why do we need heroes?

Illustration by Dckydesign.


Promotion of your brand can be much faster when you are able to connect with your target audience through the aid of an mascot. Let’s examine how to utilize it and what issues can be accomplished with the help of mascots.

  • Complex services with accessible terms
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The mascot helps you talk to your customers in a more casual manner and at ease in explaining the intricate details of the product or service you offer.

  • Branding and characters

In certain situations the mascot may assist in making the brand more recognizable and also boost sales. For instance, characters can be successful with children’s viewers and also show good in food ads. In general, a character could represent every business, from healthcare, IT legal services, to the sale of real estate. For instance within the U.S. the favorite of many is the Aflac Duck which represents an insurance company.

  • Potential for viral transmission
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The luck of a marketer is when their message becomes viral. A charismatic, bright character could be the cause in this marketing phenomenon. People will be inclined to share this newsletter with their friends. An unforgettable image could encourage people to make memes and parodies. This is, however, a double-edged weapon and you’ll be fortunate in the event that the memes aren’t adolescent.

  • Mascot Vs. celebrities

Most celebrities are brand ambassadors. They could be performers, musicians and athletes, well-known bloggers. In some cases, real people become characters for companies or service.

If we examine the different aspects of having a mascot as a character and attracting celebrities from show business and influential people to advertising this character, it has several advantages. First, he embodies the purpose and values of the business and adapts to changing actions. Furthermore unlike an actual person who is advertising a brand there is no negative impact on the reputation of the company through his unflattering conduct. However, the mascot is a victim to the stars of popularity, and in the beginning of his career, he’ll have to fund his marketing through advertising.

  • Mascots and Omnicanality
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Online brand promotion through using mascots extends beyond mailing lists. They’re integrated into various communication channels. Mascots are constantly engaging with users via Facebook, Instagram, VK as well as other popular platforms. They make web push come to life, making them enticing and memorable. When you create a character, ensure that they are visible across all channels of communication with your clients.

  • Designing a mascot to represent the business

Begin the process of coming up with a character for the brand by holding a meeting to brainstorm. Determine the audience he’ll serve. During the discussion, determine the most important characteristics of his: goals, attitude, speech patterns and physical appearance.

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Brand types and personas

Illustrations by Carlos Puentes


Characters are classified into two kinds namely, both invented and real. The first type includes images of:

  1. human;
  2. animal;
  3. plant;
  4. an animated thing, structure or any other real-life object.

The benefit of creating a genuine character is its relative simplicity. It is up to you to determine who the character will be and make it human, by with an emotional arc and a narrative. For instance the case of Foxtrot the mascot of the show is a Fox.

If we are talking about an invent Mascot, we’re talking about imaginary creatures that include:

  1. alien;
  2. An imaginary animal
  3. A mythical hero.
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Making a character that is completely fictional requires some imagination and imagination. You will also be certain of the uniqueness of your character. In the case of Redmi specially for the range that includes smartphones Redmi K20 has come up with the hero of the series – a humorous dragon.

Additionally there are various kinds of characters from the brand:

  1. hero;
  2. Expert or assistant;
  3. emotion;
  4. friend;
  5. antihero.

The character character participant in many interesting stories and hilarious situations. One striking example of this is the M&M’s humanized Red and yellow dragons.

The person who assists the customer solves their problem and assists with an assigned job. One classic illustration of this is the powerful Mr. Muscle, who is able to clean windows and mopping floors.

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A mascot’s emotion should trigger an emotion within the person. For instance, the color purple Milka bovine symbolizes tenderness.

Character-friends that are examples include Bunny Quickie (Nesquik), Ronald the Balloon Clown (the the hero in McDonald’s), Dino the Dinosaur (Rastischka) and numerous others.

Mascots that are interesting are those that represent antiheroes. They can appeal to the public just as characters with positive qualities. They are typically employed to promote the brands of cleaning products , medications, humanizing germs and illnesses.

  • Picking an individual character

Evaluate your audience and seek out the main elements that influence people to purchase your product or avail your services. What feelings does your product or service bring to the customers? If, for instance, it is confidence in its reliability or trustworthiness, you could include characteristics like the importance of respectability, credibility etc. to the Mascot.

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Make sure you highlight your most distinctive feature It could become an unbeatable persona or its most memorable feature. For instance, the same Energizer batteries permit the toy rabbit to pound continuously as well. Nesquik cacao is so tasty that the bunny’s ears turn to delight.

Consider the emotions that the character’s personality should trigger for customers Based on this determine the character’s psychological profile. Do you think he should be old-fashioned or modern?

Establish a bond of emotion between the mascot and its public. For instance, the educational platform Lingualeo employs an lion cub to achieve this goal, which requires food and looked after. Every interaction with users is handled on his behalf.

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Create stories using the character, which are filled with information and fun. The mascot who makes you smile and is remembered by many in addition, the data he imparts is more easily understood.

If your business has corporate colors apply them to the design of your character.

If you’re selling a variety of items it is worthwhile designing a character to go with each product depending on what age group of customers. The character who is met with a cheer by children doesn’t necessarily work for adults, and the reverse is true.


The creation of a brand’s character requires imagination as well as analytical work and an understanding of the psychological needs of the intended audience. If you are planning to create a corporate mascot, you must create a variety of variations in its design. Try them out and compare them to one another, and then organize focus groups. Select the one that best conveys an essence that is unique to your business and is liked by most. Develop the hero, tell his story that will evolve as the time passes by for the brand. A distinctive and original logo will help you reach out to your customers and keep their trust.

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